Where to put your money & what to invest in? Guide 2023?

put your money & what to invest in

Do you have money on hand but don’t know where to put it? You are not the only one ! And for good reason, the investments of most banks are either unprofitable or full of costs, and often both at the same time…

Where to put your money? Where to invest and in what? We give you all our advice for 2023. But before that, let’s start with what to avoid doing.

Forget your bank

All the comparisons we have made are final, it is not in universal banks that you will find the best investments. And online banks are no exception, apart from a few that manage to stand out.

In fact, banks offer very standardized products and take advantage of a captive clientele to increase fees.

For the best life insurance, subscribe to a pure life insurance player. Same thing for the best securities accounts or the best SCPIs. We detail this further down in our article.

Avoid scams and overly speculative investments

Fashion is changing and the world of investment is not spared. A few years ago the fashion was for rare earths and other industrial metals, even before it was diamonds, in 2023 cryptocurrencies and other NFTs monopolize the media space.

However, these investments are extremely speculative and therefore highly uncertain. If you want to risk a small fraction of your money on it, do so with a conscience.

But if you want to build a solid long-term heritage, this is certainly not the best place to put your money.

How to invest your money according to your objectives?

To be able to orient yourself properly, you should know that each investment meets different objectives: for maximum profitability, the most relevant is to invest in the stock market ; for more modest but more regular incomes, real estate is more suitable; to place short term or place without risk , it is still other solutions which it will be necessary

Where to invest in the stock market?

Over the long term, it is the best performing investment , you can aim for up to 8% to 9% per year. Over the long term, it is the best performing investment , you can aim for up to 8% to 9% per year. Contrary to what many people think, it is accessible to everyone and does not require any special knowledge. Your money is not blocked and a few seconds are enough to recover it. You can modulate the risk level of your investment according to your needs.

To invest in the stock market, we advise you to open a PEA . This is an account in which you can make your stock market investments. The advantage of the PEA lies in its taxation: it is completely exempt from tax after 5 years of ownership.

And since you are certainly not going to choose the shares of your PEA yourself one by one, we advise you to buy ETFs (within your PEA). An ETF is an investment fund listed on the stock exchange, which replicates a stock market index and whose fees are very low.

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